Montreuil - France
Collectif créé en 2008, Coax réunit une vingtaine d’artistes autour d’un axe commun : la création, la diffusion, l’organisation et la production de projets/objets protéiformes (performances,…
Grenoble - France
APNÉES (Association pour la PerformaNce, l’Électroacoustique et les Expérimentations Sonores) is a cultural association based in Grenoble (France), having among its main goals the development, the…
Plus Timbre is a netlabel dedicated to experimental and improvisational music,aiming to foster and promote material in the widest possible variety of relevant musical styles.
Paris - France
La compagnie Anqa - Danse avec les Roues, compagnie de danse contemporaine à Paris, mène des projets artistiques avec des danseurs en situation de handicap ou non.
Paris - France
Les musiciens ont de grandes possibilités rythmiques, une extension extraordinaire et un potentiel timbrique exceptionnel. Ils peuvent produire des sons qui sont perçus plus par…
Athens - Greece
AdhocArts is a Non-Profit organisation/collective based in Athens.
Founded by improvisers Marina Tantantonzi, Giannis Arapis and Dimos Vryzas, the collective aims to create a network of…
London - United Kingdom
The aim is to
to create something new in a musical sense owned by those present
to explore the possibilities and limitations of freedom and improvisation in music.
Ferno - Italy
TIAMO TransInternationalArtistMovementOrganization è un collettivo internazionale di professionisti attivi in tutte le arti performative che utilizzano l'improvvisazione come fonte di ricerca…
Fresnes-en-woëvre - France
Depuis 1990, l’association Vu d’un Œuf partage avec le public un ensemble d’actions artistiques engagées et axées autour de la musique et de ses relations avec d’autres arts tels…
Forest - Belgium
Canopée Improvisation Music Ensemble: ramifications d’un écosystème rêvé
un laboratoire de recherche inclusif autour de l'improvisation libre
Avec: Pom Bouvier-B,…
Nice - France
La Compagnie 7Pépinière est une compagnie de spectacle vivant, tournée principalement sur l'art de la composition instantanée et de la performance. Elle développe sa démarche…
Vilnius - Lithuania
airkeychains: air vs metal, lightness vs gravity, freedom vs chains; contrasting paradigms and many solution keys.
airkeychains was…
Tours - France
Capsul Collectif est une coopérative de musiciens implantée sur Tours et en région Centre.
Aider, soutenir, promouvoir et diffuser une culture libre, exigeante et engagée.
Granada ImproFest "GIF", recognised with the EFFE label, is an improvised arts festival celebrated in Copenhagen…
Stockholm - Sweden
FRIM (The Association for Free Improvised Music) was founded in 1976 to create a platform for free improvised music in Sweden and to promote the
ongoing discussion about improvised…
Fylkingen - New Music and Intermedia Art is an artist-run, non-profit association for experimental music and art. The association was founded in 1933 and currently consists of approximately 300…
Francfort-sur-le-main - Germany
The - Forum Improvisierter Musik - F.I.M. organizes interactive concerts of improvised music in Frankfurt am Main. The F.I.M. founded in the tradition of free jazz, today…
Berlin - Germany
Kunst Kacke Soundsystem (auch: Kunstkacke Soundsystem oder KKSS) wurde im September 2009 von Gary Flanell und Niki Matita in Berlin gegründet. Die Gruppe umfaßt eine wechselnde Anzahl von…
camp for 12,756 tone music, obscure teaching & organ of the world-ventriloquist-lodge
according to the theses of ignaz senger "the dismemberment of the dismemberment"
Milan - Italy
We craft our music out of necessity: from our peculiar life path originate shapes and melodies that we chase and explore in the daily reharsal/composition process and through live performance…
Zaratan – Arte Contemporânea is a not-for-profit space and an organization founded by artists in Lisbon city center in November 2014. Zaratan is a creation, production and promotion structure for…
Amsterdam - Netherlands
Doek is a collective of improvisers creating opportunities for experimentation, research and performance. Doek musicians share attitudes toward tactics, references, ancestors and…
Aarhus - Denmark
KALAS is an art platform of improvised music created in hope that musicians can more easily find each other, gather together, create, think, and share — for thought and art are collective…
Vienna - Austria
Join the revolution of multidisciplinary arts performance with ImprovFreedom. Based in Vienna and connected globally, this concept blends the expertise and experience of Elisabeth with your…
Innere stadt - Switzerland
…die Bühne für zeitgenössiches Musikschaffen, seit 1982
Konzertreihe mit jährlich rund 20 Konzerten
Festival mit Themenschwerpunkt alle 2 Jahre
JACC - Jazz ao Centro Clube is a portuguese Non for Profit Cultural Association. It was officially constituted on April 30 th 2003, in the city of Coimbra (Portugal's “third” city). Altough…
Paris - France
L'Impolie brings together an accordionist, a saxophonist and a guitarist. Passionate about contemporary music and improvisation, the three decided to combine written and improvised music and began…
Marseille - France
Grand8 is a large ensemble for improvised music based in Marseille, France. It brings together 20 musicians around the crucial idea of…
La haye - Netherlands
Pluvia Collective is a collaborative music group, working with free improvisation and experimental electronics. The collective was established in 2023 as an…
São pedro - Portugal
N.E.M - Núcleo de Experimentação em Música, is a collective of musicians and other artists built to explore improvisation.
An experimental approach to collective music.
Centrès - France
"Si on sait ce que l'on va faire, à quoi bon le faire ?" Cette citation de Pablo Picasso pourrait bien être la devise du Cosm'Impro, collectif de musicien…
Jazz donc, mais pas que. Ou en tout cas dans ses formes les plus contemporaines. Ce qui s’invente aujourd’hui dans le champ jazzistique et ses nombreux affluents. Mais aussi, et surtout, musiques…
DOXA ESTA est depuis 2017 une plateforme de programmation de concerts et soirées gravitant entre bars kabyles,…
Stadtkreis 5 industriequartier - Switzerland
Experiments in Sound and Space.
Breading Ground for Ideas, collaborations and creative processes.
Since 2021 performing together in these working groups:
Quéven - France
L'Atelier d'Improvisation Électronique (AÏE) est un rendez-vous régulier entre beatmakers et musiciens improvisateurs (ensembles non disjoints) de la région de Lorient. Il s'agit de créer…
Il s'agit de Rencontres sans public présent, pour le moment échanges bénévoles, pour Improvisateurs sous la forme de Duos, pour des captations, enregistrements, vidéos...
Copenhagen - Denmark
OKTOsounds is a music collective and record label with artists based in Aarhus, Copenhagen, Malmö, Oslo, Berlin and Trondheim. Music will be played, music will be released, music will…
Wiesbaden - Germany
The KOOPERATIVE NEW JAZZ, founded in 1979 as a non-profit association for the promotion of modern jazz in Wiesbaden, grew out of a lively musicians' initiative…
Copenhaguen - Denmark
The Community is an international collective of improvisers which tries to create and expand relationships between musicians worldwide through organizing interactive musical events. We believe in…
Co.Ac is a non-profit cultural organisation supporting performing arts with a focus on jazz and improvised music.
Our main goal is to promote cultural exchange between…
A.R.C.M - Stands for Associação Recreativa e Cultural de Músicos.
This association is based in Faro, Portugal, was created in 1990 with the objective of supporting the cultural scene in…
Vienne - Austria
Michael Franz Woels (Berimbau/kleine Perkussion), David Karla (Blasinstrumente), Elisabeth Kelvin (Blasinstrumente).
Gentle Enquiry (AT…
Berlin - Germany
Pitch Shifting is an experimental audio-visual collaboration established in 2019 between musician Grgur Savic and multimedia artist Sanja Star. Continuous journey of wave motion…
is a concert series in Cologne, Germany. We present young, experimental and beautiful music.
Open for Jazz, Improvised and Experimental - related Musics and more…
Rotterdam - Netherlands
, REIO founder drummer Elvis Homan REIO started in October 2020, including 8 Rotterdam based musicians:
Elvis Homan (Drums & modular synths, drone synths, Max/MSP, Ableton)
Markt rettenbach - Germany
Zseitenspringer make open music. That stands for free improvisation, spontaneous interaction, as subtle and energetic sound, which always creates new structures, with an arsenal of acoustic…
Amsterdam - Netherlands
The Genetic Choir is a utopian idea and an ensemble of contemporary vocal improvisers that creates their own artistic projects and can be approached for (interdisciplinary) collaborations,…
Budapest - Hungary
Kajgūn is a psychedelic jazz metal band with a mission to reformulate jazz using the elements of metal and world music, putting the emphasis on beauty and riffs, embracing total improvisation…
Toruń - Poland
Toruń Improvisers Orchestra (Toruńska Orkiestra Improwizowana) is a band started in January of 2019 by a musician Maciej Karmiński (who's associated with such groups as Jesień, Drogi Krajowe or…
English version below.
Le Bruit de la Musique se déroule sur trois jours en août dans les villages de Domeyrot, Clugnat, Saint-Silvain-sous-Toulx, La Celle-sous-Gouzon, Toulx-Sainte…