Plus Timbre is a netlabel dedicated to experimental and improvisational music,aiming to foster and promote material in the widest possible variety of relevant musical styles.
Ferno - Italy
TIAMO TransInternationalArtistMovementOrganization è un collettivo internazionale di professionisti attivi in tutte le arti performative che utilizzano l'improvvisazione come fonte di ricerca…
Vilnius - Lithuania
airkeychains: air vs metal, lightness vs gravity, freedom vs chains; contrasting paradigms and many solution keys.
airkeychains was…
Tours - France
Capsul Collectif est une coopérative de musiciens implantée sur Tours et en région Centre.
Aider, soutenir, promouvoir et diffuser une culture libre, exigeante et engagée.
Granada ImproFest "GIF", recognised with the EFFE label, is an improvised arts festival celebrated in Copenhagen…
Stockholm - Sweden
FRIM (The Association for Free Improvised Music) was founded in 1976 to create a platform for free improvised music in Sweden and to promote the
ongoing discussion about improvised…
Fylkingen - New Music and Intermedia Art is an artist-run, non-profit association for experimental music and art. The association was founded in 1933 and currently consists of approximately 300…
Francfort-sur-le-main - Germany
The - Forum Improvisierter Musik - F.I.M. organizes interactive concerts of improvised music in Frankfurt am Main. The F.I.M. founded in the tradition of free jazz, today…
Berlin - Germany
Kunst Kacke Soundsystem (auch: Kunstkacke Soundsystem oder KKSS) wurde im September 2009 von Gary Flanell und Niki Matita in Berlin gegründet. Die Gruppe umfaßt eine wechselnde Anzahl von…
camp for 12,756 tone music, obscure teaching & organ of the world-ventriloquist-lodge
according to the theses of ignaz senger "the dismemberment of the dismemberment"
Milan - Italy
We craft our music out of necessity: from our peculiar life path originate shapes and melodies that we chase and explore in the daily reharsal/composition process and through live performance…
Paris - France
La compagnie Anqa - Danse avec les Roues, compagnie de danse contemporaine à Paris, mène des projets artistiques avec des danseurs en situation de handicap ou non.
Fresnes-en-woëvre - France
Depuis 1990, l’association Vu d’un Œuf partage avec le public un ensemble d’actions artistiques engagées et axées autour de la musique et de ses relations avec d’autres arts tels…
Zaratan – Arte Contemporânea is a not-for-profit space and an organization founded by artists in Lisbon city center in November 2014. Zaratan is a creation, production and promotion structure for…