What is this database?
Improvisors Without Borders is a collaborative and open-source online database
The database was created as a part of the SHARE project, the goal of which is to encourage innovation and new practices: via the database, artists will access a large directory of professionals that they will be able to enrich.
The SHARE project aims to create the circulation of information in a collaborative and digital manner as a new practice for creative music artists : each artist can participate in a horizontal exchange, in the spirit of the jam and training sessions organized as part of the project. Digital is meant to complete the physical circulation of artists.
This database is a platform for horizontal information sharing
Conceived for a better circulation of information in an exclusively collaborative manner, the database will include and connect all the actors/practitioners in the sector: artists, musicians, dancers, painters, activists, researchers, journalists, programmers, festivals, venues.
Improvisors Without Borders is :
- a dynamic encyclopedia of improvisation practice, where professionals from all disciplines can meet and exchange;
- a database of improvisation practitioners, ressources and places, mapped out explicitly across the European landscape;
- a library of professional ressources on improvisation.
So, start exploring our directory of Persons, Collectives & Groups, other Organizations, Venues & Festivals across Europe.
Or create your own account and become part of the project.