Madrid - Spain
En Busca Del Pasto (EBDP) was born in 2003 as a project of strict musical improvisation and sound research, which has increasingly emphasized the scenic and performative dimension of music as …
Cultural association for the promotion and dissemination of free improvisation and impromptu art.
OSIMO (Open Sound International Meeting Up) is the most important event that this…
OSIMU (Open Sound International Meeting Up) is a meeting between various musicians and artists dedicated to free improvisation, instant composition and all forms of impromptu art.
Jazz Club depuis 1984, le Bab-Ilo propose des événements culturels du mercredi au dimanche. jazz, musiques du monde, théâtre, expos, humour & stand-up, projections de films et documentaires…
Montpellier - France
Slowcore is a way of the bamboo from the south of france
based in montpellier we explore through workshops and installments the ecology of bamboo crafts and especially its sound orientation…
Milan - Italy
Laboratorio di Improvvisazione Estemporanea aperto alla città
Conserere is a self-organised collective based in Milan, run by musicians whose aristic research is focused on…
Bordeaux - France
Le UN est une société d'improvisation. Chacun d'entre nous est engagé dans la réalisation artistique autant que dans l'organisation sociale, non hiérarchique, de l'ensemble. Le UN regroupe selon…
Housed in a former 19th century distillery, Anis Gras - Le lieu de l'Autre is a plural space of contemporary and multidisciplinary creation located in Arcueil, nearby
Messina - Italy
Il Laboratorio Suono & Ritmo è stato fondato a Messina da Angelo Tripodo, jazzista batterista e da Giovanna La Maestra, docente di Italiano e Storia negli Istituti Superiori di II…
Bourges - France
If you want to imagine the sound world of Hi.O.Bla you must first take account of its instruments: bird calls, ping-pong balls, drums, bendir, musical box, darbouka, sink plunger, hubcaps, airpump…
Strasbourg - France
a cooperative of sonic thoughts.
Dreieck Interferences is an association which supports artistic initiatives and gathers artist-musicians having a particular taste to experiment and…
Bari - Italy
is a collective of musicians, artists, people, in continuous growth and expansion, dedicated to the practice and dissemination of improvisation and what is related…
Bethmale - France
Association dédiée à la recherche et à la création par les pratiques improvisées, à la transmission par les pratiques contemplatives, somatiques et de dialogue.
Lyon - France
L'ARFI est un collectif de musiciens fondé à Lyon en 1977.
Il comporte actuellement (2021) 19 membres. Les formations vont du solo au grand orchestre.
Graz - Austria
murmur is a very informal network of musicians and improvisers located in the region in and around Graz (Austria) and its neighbouring countries Slovenia, Hungary and Italy. we run a website to…
Les Instants Chavirés sont depuis 1991 un lieu de diffusion pensé comme un laboratoire des musiques improvisées, expérimentales, bruitistes. Son annexe, l’ancienne brasserie Bouchoule, propose…
Rendez-vous régulier d’échanges et de partages autour de la musique improvisée et de projets expérimentaux pour les improvisateurs.
"Cette réunion est une…
Sessions de musiques improvisées, un à deux mercredi par mois, de 19h à 21h au Chair de Poule, rue Saint Maur à PARIS.
Inscriptions sur la page FaceBook.
Paris - France
With the benefit of its many years of experience with a richly diverse creative lab — the “big band” known as Ping Machine — Pégazz & L’Hélicon is today furthering its groundbreaking role in…
el NEGOCITO Records a Ghent based, Belgian label for alternative and improvised music, artist-oriented, with innovation and self-expression through sound…