Francfort-sur-le-main - Germany
The - Forum Improvisierter Musik - F.I.M. organizes interactive concerts of improvised music in Frankfurt am Main. The F.I.M. founded in the tradition of free jazz, today…
Grenoble - France
APNÉES (Association pour la PerformaNce, l’Électroacoustique et les Expérimentations Sonores) is a cultural association based in Grenoble (France), having among its main goals the development, the…
Plus Timbre is a netlabel dedicated to experimental and improvisational music,aiming to foster and promote material in the widest possible variety of relevant musical styles.
Fresnes-en-woëvre - France
Depuis 1990, l’association Vu d’un Œuf partage avec le public un ensemble d’actions artistiques engagées et axées autour de la musique et de ses relations avec d’autres arts tels…
Fylkingen - New Music and Intermedia Art is an artist-run, non-profit association for experimental music and art. The association was founded in 1933 and currently consists of approximately 300…
Innere stadt - Switzerland
…die Bühne für zeitgenössiches Musikschaffen, seit 1982
Konzertreihe mit jährlich rund 20 Konzerten
Festival mit Themenschwerpunkt alle 2 Jahre
JACC - Jazz ao Centro Clube is a portuguese Non for Profit Cultural Association. It was officially constituted on April 30 th 2003, in the city of Coimbra (Portugal's “third” city). Altough…
DOXA ESTA est depuis 2017 une plateforme de programmation de concerts et soirées gravitant entre bars kabyles,…
Co.Ac is a non-profit cultural organisation supporting performing arts with a focus on jazz and improvised music.
Our main goal is to promote cultural exchange between…
A.R.C.M - Stands for Associação Recreativa e Cultural de Músicos.
This association is based in Faro, Portugal, was created in 1990 with the objective of supporting the cultural scene in…
Events, listings, newsfeeds and articles related to activities in Wales featuring free improvisation and associated activities. All platforms & practices The `Links wales` section below tales…
Cultural association for the promotion and dissemination of free improvisation and impromptu art.
OSIMO (Open Sound International Meeting Up) is the most important event that this…
Messina - Italy
Il Laboratorio Suono & Ritmo è stato fondato a Messina da Angelo Tripodo, jazzista batterista e da Giovanna La Maestra, docente di Italiano e Storia negli Istituti Superiori di II…
el NEGOCITO Records a Ghent based, Belgian label for alternative and improvised music, artist-oriented, with innovation and self-expression through sound…
Disquaire-Libraire spécialisé.
La boutique propose : CDs, vinyles, livres et magazines spécialisés ayant trait à la musique, DVDs musicaux, merchandising (t-shirts, posters...)
The Bridge forme un réseau d’échanges, de production et de diffusion, recréant les conditions de ce partage pérenne: un pont transatlantique que traversent régulièrement musiciens français…
Concert series of improvised and experimental music in Novi Sad.
Improstor, a space both cultural and virtual, is a created to represent music makers whose work leap out…
1995 voit la création d’une association de producteurs de disques aux ardentes volontés appréciables dès le choix de leur appellation : Les Allumés du Jazz.
L’objectif… is a Toronto-based magazine-Web page that reports on an extensive range of improvised and other closely-related music created throughout the world, including North…
WHAT IIIF? is a research festival, an international interdisciplinary improvisation research festival, that asks the absurd question " Can improvisation be documented? " WHAT IIIF? was…