Person Alto saxophone Baritone saxophone Performance Poetry, Rap, Speaking Jean Tinnirello Lyon - France Teacher Organization(s) APNÉES - Association pour la PerformaNce, l'Électroacoustique et les Expérimentations Sonores 5 1
Person Trumpet Guitars Electronics Voice Performance Poetry, Rap, Speaking Federico Rodriguez-Jimenez Paris - France Sound engineer Teacher 4 2 3
Person Recorder Poetry, Rap, Speaking Marguerite Maire The hague - Netherlands Collective(s) Pluvia Collective 1
Person Guitars Drums Keyboards / Pianos Voice Poetry, Rap, Speaking Jérôme Dufour Centrès - France Collective(s) Cosm'impro 4 3 1
Person Keyboards / Pianos Poetry, Rap, Speaking Joanna Graham Chester - United Kingdom Academic, researcher 1
Person Electronics Digital Synthesizer Analog Synthesizer Voice Poetry, Rap, Speaking Hugo Lopes Ferreiras - Portugal Communication, Support 7
Person Electric guitar Other guitars Analog Synthesizer Digital Synthesizer Poetry, Rap, Speaking Enzo Fasciglione Mar del plata - Argentina 6
Person Voice Performance Poetry, Rap, Speaking Tanja Schlander Copenhague - Denmark Collective(s) The Community Organization(s) Association Vu D'un Oeuf 4
Person Alto saxophone Tenor saxophone Baritone saxophone Soprano saxophone Drums Performance Poetry, Rap, Speaking Julien Dub Bagnolet - France 4 1 8
Person Double bass Cello (violoncello) Other instruments... Dance Poetry, Rap, Speaking George Kokkinaris Athens - Greece Producer Manager 6 4
Person Performance Poetry, Rap, Speaking Emmanuelle Pellegrini Fresnes-en-woëvre - France Diffusion Manager Organization(s) Association Vu D'un Oeuf 1
Person Voice Poetry, Rap, Speaking Antonella Fierli Official Bari - Italy Teacher Collective(s) BANDERUMOROSE ORCHESTRA 4
Person Voice Poetry, Rap, Speaking Alexandre Pierrepont Paris - France Academic, researcher Collective(s) Collectif 2035, 2035 records Organization(s) The Bridge 1 1
Person Guitars Electric bass guitar Tenor saxophone Keyboards / Pianos Digital Synthesizer Poetry, Rap, Speaking Video Lama Waaien Leiden - Netherlands Academic, researcher Collective(s) Collectif 2035, 2035 records 3 4