Tahereh Nourani

Vienna - Austria

Tahereh Nourani is a Vienna-based composer and sound artist specialising in electroacoustic and experimental music. Her current work focusses on the possibilities of slowness and silence as well as the connection between sound, text and video. Using free improvisation, extended playing techniques, amplified objects and minimal live electronics, she creates reduced, organic and archaic sound spaces that span an arc between ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Memory Response) and noise.
Nourani is SHAPE+ Artist (2023) and winner of the PhonoECHOES Prize for Experimental Sound Art (2021). Both solo and in various projects, such as the Vienna Improvisers Orchestra, she has performed at festivals such as Moers (DE), UH Fest (HU) and Üle Heli (EE). She was artist in residence at the AQB and Hotel Pupik. She studied classical flute at the Tehran University of Arts and at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (MDW).



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