Diego Manuschevich

Sélestat - France

Diego Manuschevich is a reeds player and composer from Santiago de Chile. Drawing heavily from the jazz tradition, he plays in a highly energetic style which prioritizes rhythmic and melodic invention, but can also capably veer towards the exploration of sound and texture, always listening and reacting to the moment. He has led many of his own projects in the jazz and free improvisation idioms, while also performing as a collaborator in many others, with musicians such as Todd Capp, Marc Edwards, François Grillot, Stephen Gauci, Paul Wacrenier, Yoram Rosilio, Elie Martin-Charriere, Matthieu Mazué, Samuel Dühsler, Diego Aguirre, Bänz Öster, Kazue Ogasawara and Javier Valdebenito.


Dernière connexion : dim 11/07/2021 - 15:58